
Get your favorite drink, shot glasses, stopwatch and dice. This game is created for couples only. 
Each person will roll the dice in alternating turns. First person to finish – wins. 
If you do not roll a set of double numbers, no action is taken and the dice are passed to the other person. 
If the dice land on the following double numbers – you must do the following: 
Double Numbers: 
1-1 = make the call (shot or clothing) 
2-2 = pass a shot to the other person + non dice roller takes a shot (2 shot total) 
3-3 = other person removes piece of clothing 
4-4 = truth or dare + non dice roller takes a shot 
5-5 = lucky roll again, put a piece of clothing back on 
6-6 = kiss the other person where they tell you + non dice roller takes a shot 
After a person is completely naked – that person follows these rules: (stopwatch needed) 
If you roll a double set of numbers – you get a free roll. 
If you roll a double set of numbers – you then roll a single dice – the number on the dice equates to total minutes for number rolled. (i.e. – single 5 equals 5 minutes) 
Double Numbers: 
1-1 = oral sex 
2-2 = non dice roller takes a shot 
3-3 = kiss body 
4-4 = non dice roller takes a shot 
5-5 = your choice 
6-6 = non dice roller takes a shot.
(Thanks Jake!)