Smart Fella’s

Two or more players 
First person starts with saying “one smart fella HE felt smart.” this is only said at the start of the round. 
next person says ” two smart fellas THEY felt smart.” this is said on any number that DOES NOT have a 3 in it or a multiple of 3 (ie: 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14 etc) 
next person must say “3 smart fellas THEY ALL felt smart” this is said on any number that DOES have a 3 in it or a multiple of 3 (ie: 3, 6, 9, 12, and 13 also, 15 etc) 
If anyone incorrectly says the phrase (ie: TWO smart fellas they ALL felt smart.) They must drink a predetermined amount of a chosen alcohol. Also if there is any hesitation they must drink. Straight after drinking the drinker/loser must start from ONE again 
This game gets better and funnier as people get more drunk because the phrase becomes a tongue twister. For example: One FART SMELLER he SMELT FART!!! Also if by some slim chance you make it to the 30’s it becomes more interesting!
(Thanks Tim!)