All you need is a hard table, an ice tray and a quarter. Make sure everyone playing has plenty bottles of beer. You put the ice tray on the table, so that it is long ways from whoever’s turn it is. When it’s your turn, you bounce the quarter off the table and try to make it in a slot on the tray. If it lands in any slot on the right, you have to drink, if it lands in the left everybody else has to drink. How much you drink depends on which slot it lands in. For example, if it lands in the first slot, you chug for 1 second, if it lands in the fourth slot you chug for 4 seconds. If it lands in the farthest slot everybody has to yell moose and put their hands up to their head like moose antlers. The last person to do it chugs for 8 seconds. You end up getting really shit faced, and people start forgetting to drop their beer before yelling moose, so they pour it all over themselves…