This is a very simple game, but loads of fun to play with 4 people or more, the more the better. One person presents two options, which are generally in opposition to each other, for example “black or white”. Going around the circle people have to choose one of the words or ideas. I choose black, she chooses white, he chooses white, black, white, black, black, etc. until everyone has picked. Then the person who presented to two words in the first place reveals which one they were thinking of. Anyone who answered the other word has to drink. If he says white and I chose black, I drink. There can be no explanation/clarification of what the two ideas/words mean. For example if I say “top or bottom” or “heads or tails”, they can obviously be taken sexually or innocently, but may not necessarily be so, which is part of the beauty of the game. You can be as blatant or unclear as you like. The object isn’t to guess what the person is thinking, either. If the options are “beer or liquor” and I know that the person whose turn it is loves liquor but I prefer beer, I’m still going to say beer. As people get drunker, they get more creative and the game hums.
Enjoy. Best with about 10 people.
(Thanks Dave)
Category Archives: Drinking Games
All you need is 4 or more people, a big table and a bunch of booze. This game can either be played standing up, or sitting down. Gather around the table and come up with a “dirty” or “indian” hand sign that can be named. Things such as: teepee, tweaking nips, pleasing yourself, and muff diving are good signs. You start the game off by going around the table showing off your signs so everyone knows who has what sign. Next you start drumming the table with both hands, the person to start yells out, “what are we playing”, next everyone responds with, “indian”, the person to start yells, “how do we play”, everyone yells back, “dirty”, then the starter yells, “how dirty”, then everyone yells, “real fucking dirty” (this last phrase is said while pounding the table one hand at a time with each word). The starter then does their sign and another persons sign, when your sign gets done you then have to quickly do your sign and then someone elses, this keeps going around and around the table in no particular order as fast as possible until someone messes up. Once someone screws up, everyone yells, “you fucked up” or some kind of chant that indicates how much they suck while they drink until the chant is done. Then the person who screwed up becomes the starter. Anytime you mess up your sign, miss your sign, do a sign that isn’t in the game, do your sign when it isn’t your turn, someone else’s sign before you do yours it equals a screw up. And you just keep the game going.
(Thanks Nicole)
Beer Darts
For the two player game, players sit in chairs around 15 feet apart, or whatever distance the players agree is fair.
-A piece of cardboard is placed on the ground in front of each chair, a full, open can of beer is placed into the center of the cardboard.
-Players alternate throwing metal-tipped darts at the opponents can – when a hit is made, the player hit must drink the beer to the level of the hole (this can be determined by the fact that beer no longer pours from the hole. A hit only counts if there is a puncture
-Any dart sticking in the top of the can requires the chugging of the beer.
-Three hits lower than half way down the beer can signals the end of that beer. It must be finished and replaced with a new can, or a substitute player must be found. Five overall hits also singnals the end of the beer.
-This can be played with teams as well. When playing in teams, players throw at whomever they wish, and the person thown at get the next turn for the other side.
-Everyone wins.
-If none of the players are crazy, this isn’t as dangerous as it sounds.
(Thanks Jeff)
Tour de Franzia
For this game you need to split into teams of four and you need one box of Franzia (or other cheap boxed wine, doesnt really matter) and you race to see which team can finish their box first. Pretty simple but fun you will get FUCKED UP.
Who Shit, What Shit
Absolute classic drinking game. Everyone in the game gets a name which is Blank Shit (ie BatShit, DogShit, HorseShit, JalepenoShit) and it is the job over all playing to remember the other persons name.
The drinking game starts when someone starts to tell a long and winded story that includes the word shit several times. “I was walking through the woods and it was some crazy shit, absolutely wild shit, i might have enven been smoking shit, etc…” usually the crowd eggs the person on. Then the story teller will work in another one of the group members “shit Name” at which time the person has to say:
Shit Name: Who Shit?
Story teller: What Shit?
Shit Name: Blank shit
This goes on until someone makes a mistake at which time the person who messed up has to drink and then start his own story.
Great drinking game for late at night!
(Thanks to “The Good Ol Boys”)
Circle of death (STL version)
Put a full beer can in the middle of the table, fan a deck of cards around the beer. Randomly pick who goes first and continue clockwise from there.
Cards 2-4 – take yourself
Cards 5-8 – give out
9 – bust a rhyme
10 – catagories (ie beer- bud light, sam adams, etc)
Jack is thumb master (if you put your thum on the table the last person to do so drinks)
Queen is question master (if you ask someone a question they must answer you in a question or else they drink and if they do answer in a question it goes back and forth until someone slips up)
King – you make a rule(ie you cant use the word drink, or you cant cuss or you drink)
Ace of course is WATERFALL
VARIATION- if you want you can put all the cards except jack queen and king under the tab of the full beer can after you pull them until someone pops it and then they must CHUG the whole beer. Also if you break the circle you must CHUG the rest of your current beer.
(Thanks Ian)
A group of people divide themselves into two teams, and then play the song “Roxanne” by The Police. Every time Sting sings the word “Roxanne”, one team drinks. Whenever “Put on the Red Light” is sang, the other team drinks.
Very simple, yet very funand highly intoxicating drinking game . A harder version is to have no teams, and everyone drinks one drink with their left hand on “Roxanne”, and one drink with their right hand on “Put on the Red Light”.
(Thanks Brian)
This is a different version of “Cardinal Puff” that was created/modified by Russian fishermen in Alaska. I personally feel it is a much better version.
Rule #1 – Everyone starts sober (And for a real official game, everyone eats the same things and same amounts the day of said game).
Rule #2 – You puke or pass out, you’re out. No leaving the table (except to piss or puke)..
Rule #3 – No music, TV, or any other distractions.
Everyone (2-8 people)sits around a table (preferrably a glass one so everyone can see all movements).
You will need: One 16 ounce glass, one small hand towel, and LOTS of beer (or hard liquor, if you think you can handle it).
If there are newbies to the game, you can let them watch the veterans until they feel comfortable, but warn them that if they enter and mess up, they will start over and keep going until Rule #2 is applied.
The glass gets filled to the top. The first person starts, and says “The Carnipuff will now take his/her first drink of the evening.” He/she then takes his first (pointer) finger, and thumb, lifts the glass, and takes one drink (Better to take a big drink on the first one). He/she then sets the glass down with one tap on the towel. Then, left hand first, taps their pointer fingers on the table’s top edge(left hand, then right), then taps the underside of the table with their pointer fingers(left then right), then tap your knees with their pointer fingers(left then right). He/she then says “Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen. The Carnipuff-puff will now take his/her second drink of the evening.” With two fingers (pointer and middle) and thumb, they lift the glass, take two drinks, and set the glass down with two taps. Then, with the same two fingers, tap the top edge of the table twice(left hand, then right), underneath twice(left, left, then right, right), and knees twice(left, left, then right, right). They then say “Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen. The Carnipuff-puff-puff (3 puffs) will now take his/her third AND FINAL drink of the evening.” Then, with three fingers(pointer, middle and ring) and thumb on glass, take either 3 drinks or finish the glass(No more than 3 drinks on this consumage allowed). Then he/she sets it down with three taps on the towel, takes three fingers and taps three times on top of the table(left, left, left, then right, right, right), then the underside of the table and then their knees (3 times, three fingers, three taps). Then he/she says “Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen. ONCE A CARNIPUFF, ALWAYS A CARNIPUFF.” Then take the empty glass, tip it over and tap it on the towel, then tip right side up and tap.
If you have managed to do this all correctly (without major slurring, without forgetting the “AND FINAL”, with correct tapping, etc.) then the glass goes to the next person to the left. If, at any time, anyone sees a mistake, they are to immediately call it. A second opinion is nice, and even nicer is for the person who made the mistake to fess up. NO EXCUSES!! You made a mistake; drink the rest of the glass, fill up and try again!!! Once everyone gets in the groove, the game progresses from one person to the next fairly quickly. All of a sudden, a mistake will be made; more drinks consumed, and someone gets stewed. The last person to not puke or pass out is the Carnipuff champion!!
This drinking game, once learned, is the best drinking game I have ever known. Once, in a fierce showdown of drunkeness, my buddy and I both finished 26 beers before he puked right ON the table!! Needless to say, I am the reining champ.
Have patience when learning, have fun, and good luck!!!
(Thanks Brian)
Case Race
Make teams of 2. As many as you want its just a race.
Each team starts with a case of beer (24 pack).
The goal is to drink all the beer in the case the fastest.
The team that finishes first gets to take and keep all the beer that the other teams did not drink out of their cases. Awesome for pre-gaming.
(Thanks Cody)
Edward 40 hands with a twist
Typical edward 40 hands…However, when you finish your first one, you have to do a few shots. The number of shots you take depends on how fast you finish your first one, and how many players there are.
Say you have 5 players.. You finish your first one in say 20 minutes. Divide the time by the number of players. So, 20minutes/5 players=4 shots. And being edward 40 hands you obviously can’t use your hands.
Also, you can not use the beer in your 40. Other beer is ok, however liqour is always more fun. This gives you more incentive to finish faster (or slower depending on how much of an alcoholic you are), and of course gets you drunker
(Thanks Max)