Windell’s Quarters

First you have to have a lot of beer (we recommend at least 4 20 packs) and at least 4 players. You get about 5 different size cups. Normally, you get two small cups, 2 medium sized cups, and then one large sized mug or cup. You fill up each cup with beer to the rim. Then you get some quarters (probably the same amount of players, so each player has a quarter). Then you decide the order. The first person bounces their quarter against the table hoping to get into a cup. If you miss,the next person goes. If they make a cup, that person gets to choose who drinks the cup. Then it is the next persons turn. You continue to take turns and refill the cups until all the beer is gone. If a person shoots out of turn, their turn is skipped. If they shoot out of turn and make a cup, they have to drink that cup and lose their turn. The biggest rule is, this game is for drinkers, so once you take your first turn and bounce the quarter, you must stay in the game until all the beer is gone. When all the beer is gone, the game is over but you can go get more beer, if anyone can still play.
(Thanks Windell!)

Moose Head

This drinking game is a variation of your moose.  
# of players- 5 or more 
Objects needed- 1 ice tray, 1 coffee mug and 1 soup bowl (preferably plastic) 
Set up- set ice tray virtical, put the empty coffee mug behind it, and put the soup bowl behind the cup and fill bowl with one full can of beer. 
Rules- all players stand in a circle around the table, it’s easiest played with a smaller table, the person shooting bounces the quarter into whatever object he/she choose’s, if they bounce it into the ice tray which ever side they bounce it into= the side of the person that has to drink. for example if the person bounces it into the right side of the tray the person to their right must drink and visa versa. how ever many holes they bounce it into is the seconds they must drink. for example if they bounce it into the first hole it’s drink for one second and so on. now if the quarter is bounced into the cup it’s a social and everyone must drink for 5 seconds. if it’s bounced into the bowl everyone must put their hands up to their heads (thumbs on head with the rest of the fingures out) last person to do so must chug the bowl. when shooter misses the circle of players rotates clockwise. have alot of beer handy and play as long as desired… have fun.
(Thanks Vinny!)


This drinking game is simple, but fun. You start out by standing in a circle with at least 6 people. You will need a deck of cards and a lot of booze. Choose someone as the thrower, who will throw the entire deck of cards into the middle of the circle. The thrower will then call out a number and a suit, and whoever finds that card first shouts out BANGCOCK!
Whichever card the person finds is how many seconds they have to drink. (For example if a person finds a 10 they have to drink for ten seconds; jack-11 queen-12 king-13 A-14)The thrower gets in on the game if they repeat a card that they have already called out. (after a while it can get you pretty fucked up =D)Eventually you will go through about 52 rounds. 
This drinking game should get you pretty fucked up!
(Thanks Christine, Amanda & Jess!)

Ginger Ball

7 cups of water 
2 or more ping-pong balls 
some way of marking the floor (i used electrical tape) 
and BEER!! 
Set Up
-Fill up 6 cups with water and set them up on the floor next to  
the wall in triangle fashion with about 2 or so inches in  
between each (also called a loose lesbion), and one cup of  
water somewhere outside the triangle. 
-now mark the floor with levels 1,2,3,and 7…1 being the closest  
to the cups and 7 being a damn near impossible shot. 
-No limit to amount of players, but every time someone  
makes a shot everyone else drinks. 
-Each player or team gets 2 shots total. 
-Each cup is worth 2 seconds of chugging beer. 
*(Do not remove cup when shot is made!!) 
-Each level decides what you will multiply that 2 seconds of  
chugging by. 
*(if you make a shot from level 2, that would be 2 seconds of  
chugging times level 2 making 4 second of chuging for the  
other players…shot from level 3 is 2 x 3 = 6 seconds of  
chugging etc…) 
-Remember that stray cup? That will be the finish your beer  
cup. It can only be made at level 3 and if someone makes it  
well…everyone else has to finish their beer. So dont make it  
too easy of a shot, unless if you just got done midterms hehe.  
Oh yeah and it must be a clean non bouncing shot. 
-Each level is worth 1,2,3, or 7 points. 
-First person to 15 wins. 
o o o 
o o o  

level 1: 
level 2: 
level 3: 
level 7: 
(Thanks Joe!)


Split up into two teams for this drinking game. It doesn’t matter how many people per team, but preferably one or two..
Each team has a dye. You roll the dye.. whoever rolls the lowest number drinks the amount of the higher dye. If you both roll the same number, you roll again, and whoever has the lower dye has to drink double. This would be considered “doubles” (twice the amt). If by chance you roll the same on the double, you would take it to triples (triple the amt.)
If you can’t go on anymore you get “knocked out”.
If you can’t wait to pee through out the game.. you get knocked out to. The last man standing wins!!!
(Thanks Leah & Brett!)

You’re the Labowski

Watch the big labowski and everytime the word fuck is said you have to take a drink!! Careful drink in moderation you’ll not make it to the end.
(Thanks Travis)

Kings (Travellers version)

same as all other full deck of cards , minus the two jokers , Scatter the deck of cards around an empty LARGE cup. Only one deck needed, but we suggest two if you are more than 4 people !! 
2 – Nominate (You nominate 2 drinks to one person or 1 drink each to 2 people)  
3 – Nominate (same as card 2 , except with 3 drinks to hand out) 
4 – Nominate (same as card 2 & 3 , except 4 drinks to hand out) 
5 – Make a rule ( all rules stay until the end of the game) 
6 – Rap or Rhyme (rap or rhyme ,first person to mess up drinks) 
7 – Rule of thumbs 
8 – Names of (eg: cars , every one has to name a type of car and the first person to mess up drinks … can make this one really difficult , eg: names of words starting with the letter z ) 
9 – Piss or Puke ( are not allowed to leave the table at any point during the game , unless you have this card , so if you need to piss or puke …. Got to do it where you are , you are aloud to sell this card to another player … you set your price !! ) if a person leaves without this card , the rest of the table must agree on his/her penalty) 
10 – Make or break a rule ( can break a rule that was made by some one or you can make a new one to add to the other rules, no breaking of the house rules or card rules ) 
Jack – Waterfall (consecutive drinking , all start at the same time , only stop when the person to your left or right stops, depends on which side the card holder nominated , left or right ) 
Queen – Bitch (you drink)  
King – Centre Glass (poor a portion of your drink , however big into the centre glass , person who picks up the last king must down it all ) 
Ace – Charades ( one round of charades ) 
House Rules:  
• Mob rules – majority always rules , if they say drink when or if you messed up , you listen ) 
• Drink while you think – no time to be slow if u get stuck at any point …. keep drinking till you think of something ) 
• Empty your bladder before you start playing  
• Have a couple of drinks handy in reaching distance  
• With the first 3 nominate cards , unless you are a daemon , we suggest you just take large sips if you get nominated instead of drinking your entire drink or having a shot )  
(Thanks Gillian)


You get about 3 to 6 people together. They all stand in a circle. Make sure everybody has a few beers ready. Then you play the song Thunderstruck by ACDC. One person starts to chug his or her beer until the word Thunder is said. Then the person next to him starts to chug. You just keep going around in a circle until the song is over. If a person finishes a beer then person next to them starts to drink. One person ends up getting screwed because in the middle of the song there is like a 2 minute guitar solo. 
Optionally, you can play where when a person finishes their beer, have to open another and keep drinking until Thunder is said again.
(Thanks Matt!)

Walk The Line

Similar to quarters, with a twist. Any number of players can play, the more the merrier. You’ll need at least 4 shot glasses(more can be used if you’re a glutton for punishment) and the booze of your choice(ie. Tequila, beer, vodka, rum). Set the glasses in a straight line, one behind the other. The object is to bounce your quarter into one of the glasses. If the quarter lands in the first glass, then the shooter decides who takes the drink. If it lands in the 2nd glass, then the drinker must drink the 2nd and the first glass. If it lands in the third, then drink it and all before it. After each successful make, the glasses are refilled and the shooter continues till he misses. The more glasses you use, the larger the number of shots you might have to take. For extra punishment, each shot glass can be filled with a different liquor just to increase the pain. WARNING, be sure to keep a bucket near by. Game is over when you run out of liquor, no one can bounce the quarter straight, or everyone passes out. Drink ON!.
(Thanks AJ)

One Last Effort

-The game is played with 3 or more people 
-2 shot glasses 
-1 pint or pilsner glass 
-2 quarters 
-Flat area big enough for each player to have room to bounce the quarter into the shot glass. (Bar, Kitchen Table; etc.)  
Game play and Rules: 
The game is very similar to basic quarters. Each player has to bounce the quarter into the shot glass in front of them. The twist is that this is a speed and skill game. Very FIRST, pour about 1/3 of a full glass into your pint or pilsner glass and put the glass in the middle of the table. This is were the game gets its name and will be more important later. To begin game play, players on opposite sides of the table start with the shot glass and a quarter. The shorter person counts down 3,2,1 or some version as this tends to eventually barrel down to gibberish. The shorter person is then replaced by the loser from each game. Then as fast as the player can he/she bounces the quarter in hopes on landing inside the shot glass. Once the player accomplishes this task he/she passes the glass to their right. If the player makes the quarter on the first bounce, said player has the option of passing the glass to either right or left. I REPEAT, the “FUCK YOU” left pass can only be made if you make the quarter on the first bounce. The goal is to get both shot glasses in front of one person. If this happens that person has lost, temporarily. This is where “One Last Effort” gets its name. The temporary loser then calls out another player in the game. This can be done strategically, pick someone away from you so that you can’t get busted again quickly, or the much more popular pick the buddy you hate method, that allows you to fuck over a friend. Once that person has been called out the one who made the call gets one shot at the glass in the middle to safe himself from chugging the contents. I MUST REPEAT: You have to call out the other player before the toss is made. This way there is no way to hide how big of a dick you really are. If the shot is made the person called out is the loser and must consume the beer. The game continues until you run out of beer and/or someone gets naked. Enjoy!
(Thanks Nick)