Bizz Buzz

This drinking game is much like Honda/Suzuki, except you say Bizz and Buzz. Players sit in a circle. The first player says “1”, the next “2” and so on. Every time it reaches a multiple of 7 or any number with 7 in it (17,21,27,28) instead of “7” the player must say the word “Bizz”. Similarly, for every time it reaches a multiple of 11 (ie 11,22,33) the player must say the word “Buzz”. Every time a Buzz is said this reverses the order of play. Anyone who messes up has to drink. Additional drinking fines can be introduced for right-hand drinking and pointing with fingers instead of elbows.

Cocklooker 2

It’s finally here! the long awaited cocklooker 2 drinking game, and as promised earlier – ducttape!
The game starts like the original cocklooker drinking game, all dudes, drop trou. Everyone then takes a strip of ducttape aproximately 3-5 inches in length (size may vary along with size of participant). The ducttape is then placed firmly on the players pubic region, and subsequently torn off with haste. Each player then counts the number of pubes on their strip of ducttape and drinks for that many seconds. If any two players are tied, they must each drink a full bottle.
As an added bonus, the player with the most pubic hairs on his strip gets to sodomize the player with the least. Enjoy this sick drinking game!

Beer Dye

You need 4 people, dice, lots of beer, and a ping pong table for Beer Dye drinking game.
The two people from each team sit at the ends of the table facing the other team. You have a cup on each end of the table. You place the cut 2 or 3 inches from the corner of the table. The cup infront of you is your cup. You win the game by getting bizz(5) big points. When it is your turn you throw the dice underhand above your head hitting the other side trying to hit the other teams cup. You get big points by hitting either of the other teams cup, throwing it in the cup, or make the other team loose all its small points. If you throw the dice and it doesn’t go above your head it is called “god’s eye” and you loose a small point.
Each team starts off with Bizz(5) small points, you loose small points by dropping the dice when thrown to you, not hitting the other side of the table (throwing it too far, or too wide so it misses the table), hitting the ceiling, saying 5 instead of Bizz, or using 2 hands or your body to catch the dice. If you throw a god’s eye, you then have 4 small points, if you drop it you have 3, and so on until you get to 0. When a team reaches 0 small points they should be finished with their beer. You can drink anytime you want during the game, but you can’t throw it unless every cup is on the table and if one isn’t, the throw doesn’t count and you loose your throw. If you throw the dice and it hits the cup and falls off the table you recieve a big point and the other team looses a small point.
The object of the Beer Dye drinking game is to catch the dice when thrown to you, hit the other teams cup (or throw it in their cup) and get really drunk in the process.

Pork Tv

This is The first interactive drinking game on dvd. You just pop it in and watch your guest Scream, Laugh their ass off, Cover their Eyes and thank you later.
Footage: Midgets human dart board Extreme Sports Whipping Nail head Hosted in two languages. You have got to add this Twisted DVD to your collection.

Boondock Drunks

This drinking game is rather simple, assuming you have a DVD or VHS of “Boondock Saints” lying around your house.
Pop in the movie and watch it. Whenever When you see something religious, drink. For example, the first scene when they’re in the church, drink because it’s a church, drink for the pruest, drink for the prayer…ect.
When anyone swears drink. For example, the scene when Rocco says, “F*ck, F*ck, You f*ckin’, F*ck….”, drink. And lastly, whenever Willem DaFoe does something homosexual, drink. For example, when hes in bed with that Asian guy and gets a phone call and then states “I’m not gay, get off me…”, drink.
Like I said, it’s a really easy drinking game, but its guaranteed to get you f*cked up beyond all recognition. Have fun kids.

Fuck the Dealer

What you need for Fuck the Dealer drinking game: deck of cards. 3 or more people. best with about 6.
How you start: someone grabs the deck and looks at the person to their left and says “guess.” person guesses a card in the deck (suit not necessary; just something like “7” or “Queen”). dealer looks at top card on the deck.
Rules: -if the person guessed the card right on his first try, the dealer drinks 10. -if hes wrong, the dealer says lets him know if he was too high or too low and the guesser has one more chance to get it right. -if he guesses right on his second try, dealer drinks 5. -if the guesser was wrong, he drinks the difference between what the card was and what he guessed. Next step: Once that person has either succesfully guessed, or guessed twice, the card is placed face up on the table in a place that will make it easy for all 13 numbers and faces can line up. -repeat process for next person in the circle.
For the dealer to get rid of the deck, he needs three people in a row to guess wrong. then he passes it to the person to his left and the game continues.
Why is it called fuck the dealer? cuz after two or three people have had the deal, the next person is gonna get fucked because theres basically no way 3 people in a row cant guess it right.

Horse Races

There are many variations of the Hore Races Drinking Game, but heres the one i prefer:
Step 1: take out all four aces from the deck and put em on the table so that their long sides match up with the long side of the table (or basically just make sure theres a lot of room in front of the ace).
Step 2: lay cards face down on the table starting next to one of the aces on the outside and keep laying em down until youre one cards length away from running out of a table. heres a shitty looking diagram of what it should look like (D stands for card face down, A is for ace): D D D D D D D D A A A A
Step 3: gather people around to place bets on which suit they think will win the race (be the first to pass the last card thats face down). how you place bets: -someone says somethin like “i got 7 on hearts.” that person drinks 7 immediately to back up their bet. if hearts wins the race, they get double the amount of drinks they bet (in this case 14) to hand out to other people that were playing. they can either split it up between a few people, or just f*ck one person over.
Step 4: start throwing the top card on the deck face up on the table top. the suit of the card that you flip over determines which ace moves up a spot. Step 5: after each ace has passed a level of face down cards you flip over the card that was face down. the suit of that card determines which ace moves back a spot. So just keep repeatin that shit until someone wins.
Its good to have a good buzz goin when you start this drinking game, cuz then spectators get really into it.

Vegas F.U.B.A.R.

This drinking game is much like KINGS, but the rules vary. You MUST have at least 4 people playing.
If You Draw:
2: Take two drinks
3: Take three drinks
4: Make a rule(ex. if you dirnk w/ your right hand you must drink again) your rule stands until the next 4 is drawn
5: Give 5 drinks (can be split up between two people)
6: I’ve Never: Name something you’ve never done (Try to involve sex) whoever has done it has to drink
7: THUMBMASTER!! the thumbmaster may place his or her thumb on the table at any time until the next 7 is drawn, whoever puts their thumb down last must drink
8: Categories- Name a type of product(ex: types of cars) everyone must name a product in that category(BMW,Ford) this goes around the group until someone messes up and has to drink.
9: Rhyme: say a word or phrase, the next person must ryhme with it, this also keeps going until someone stalls or messes up.
10: Waterfall!!!
Jack: Go back
Queen: Girls Drink
King: Guys Drink
Ace: Social everyone drinks

Texas Holdem

Play as you woulld usually play Texas Holdem small and beg blinds are 3 and 5 seconds…you play for seconds of drinking and the winner of the hand counts out the seconds just like in retular Texas Holdem after every card and seris you bet. (the winner can really f*ck with everyone by counting slower or be nice and count normal or a little faster…)


All you need is a hard table, an ice tray and a quarter. Make sure everyone playing has plenty bottles of beer. You put the ice tray on the table, so that it is long ways from whoever’s turn it is. When it’s your turn, you bounce the quarter off the table and try to make it in a slot on the tray. If it lands in any slot on the right, you have to drink, if it lands in the left everybody else has to drink. How much you drink depends on which slot it lands in. For example, if it lands in the first slot, you chug for 1 second, if it lands in the fourth slot you chug for 4 seconds. If it lands in the farthest slot everybody has to yell moose and put their hands up to their head like moose antlers. The last person to do it chugs for 8 seconds. You end up getting really shit faced, and people start forgetting to drop their beer before yelling moose, so they pour it all over themselves…