First you need a regular sized bowl and an empty ice tray. Set the end of the ice tray on the edge of the bowl so that it is slantting down. Fill the bowl full of beer. Get a quarter. As in quarters, try to bounce the quarter into the bowl or the ice tray. Left side is take, right side is give. The number of drinks is how many rows up you made the quarter in. ex. if you make it in row one on the left side you take one drink and so on…. If you make it into the bowl all other players including the person who made the shot must put their hands up to their head, make antlers and say “Molly Molly MOOSE” the last person to say it or to put their hands to their head has to drink the bowl of beer. If a person accidently says molly molly moose when the quarter did not hit in the bowl that person has to drink 5 drinks. Have fun!
Category Archives: Drinking Games
Power Hour VX Beer Drinking Game VERSION 5.0
Download at Power Hour VX – Now ranked the #1 Drinking Game in the World. Have you ever played age old drinking games such as Power Hour or Century Club? Well it’s time to play them again with a new twist! Power Hour VX keeps track of minutes remaining in the game, seconds until next shot, and entertains you with beer quotes, funny pictures, blonde jokes, movie quotes, and much more. There is also the all new… “The Beer Man Says…” Watch out for the beer man, he will appear randomly and give you the ultimatum of doing something funny or taking another shot!
Black or Red
You need a deck of cards for this game. The more players the better. Everyone will sit at a table and you will start the game clockwise. first person picks either black or red. if they choose the right color they pick who ever they want to drink, if they get it wrong they have to drink. if player gets the color right three times in a row they can make up a rule. (for ex: you can’t point, or you can’t say drink). Player continues until they get the color wrong and it goes to the next person and so on. same rules apply to everyone.
The game is played a lot like this website’s version of beer pong, but without the contact. 4 players mandatory (2 can play but its not the same) You can play with either 12 (6-6) or 20 (10-10) cups arranged in bowling pin fashion with the point leading towards your opponent. 2 beers or so should fill all 10 cups fine (per team), pour how much u want in 6 cup. You play on a ping pong length table, with around a door’s sized width. You can begin any way you want, but one team has to start first. Since you can play with quarters (my colleges favorite) or ping pong balls, you can just flip a coin or whatever. The object is to sink the quarter or ping pong ball inside one of your opponents cups across the table. You and your partner shoot one a turn, and then play is turned over to the opponents. During shooting, there are a couple rules. 1. If you sink one cup, your opponents will drink that cup once your partner is done shooting. 2. If you and your partner both hit the same cup, your opponents drink 3 cups (2+1 that they fell in) 3. If you and your partner hit different cups, you get them back and your opponents drink. This is why its important that both people shoot before they take the cups off the table and drink. 4. If a cup falls off the table its out of play, no one drinks it but it counts as a cup that went in. A lot of these rules can be changed from place to place. Most greeks have their own rules from fraternity to fraternity. Rule number 1 is the only important one. This game can be very entertaining at big parties.
Quarter Wars
This game is very similar to quartes. Very similar. Ok, first you need six cups and 4 players. Put one cup upside down and put another cup on top rightside up. Then put the other 4 cups around the stacked cups. Fill them with beer. Each cup pertains to one of the people. So 1 of the 4 cups is yours. Here is where quarters comes in. It goes around the table. You have to bounce the quarter in a cup. If you hit it in your cup you have to chug half of it. If you hit someone elses cup they have to chug the whole thing. If you hit it in the middle cup EVERYONE has to chug there beer as fast as they can. The LOSER or the SLOWEST has to also chug the middle cup. After one of the cups is empty just fill it back up and keep playing. If someone quits get a new person to come in. Usually the winner is who stays on the longest with out quitting. Rhett is sweet!
Golden Chandeliers
Similar to quaters, alot similar. Bounce a quater off the table into a cup. Need lots of beer and 3 – 6 players to be fun. Each player has their own glass and there is a larger glass that belongs to the community. Ok- Set the larger glass in the center of the table and each persons indivual glass must touch this large cup and sit infront of the assigned player. Each glass is to be filled about 2/3rds and you will have a Golden Chandelier. If the quater lands in your glass you drink, and hand the quater back to the person who made the shot. When he misses he can “chance” where if he misses again he must drink his assigned glass or he can pass the quater. If the the quater lands in the big cup everyone must drink their assigned glass as fast as possible and slam it on the table. Whomever is last to slam the glass, (you can also choose something that has to be exclaimed ie: done or done bitches or whatever you prefer) must drink the big glass. Always refill to 2/3rds after every drink. The bluff: If you grab your glass and the shot does not fall in the community glass, a “Rim Shot”, “Rimmer” or “Rim Job” there are 2 punishments either you drink the Community or you have to Clear The Table Drink and drink all glasses. Depending on how sadistic you are choose your punishment. So do not grab your glass unless that quater is going in the community glass. The catch. There are 3 ways to leave the game. #1 drink everyones glass and the comminty glass “Clear the table” #2 Puke/pass out #3 Run out of Beer Enjoy and Take it sleazy, Tim
Pirates Choice
While watching a hockey game choose a number from 1-100 at the beginning of the game (spread them out). If a player scores a goal and their jersey number is closest to your number you get to dish out a shot or make another person chug the rest of their beer. If a player gets a penalty and their jersey number is closest to your number you have to have a shot or chug the rest of your beer.
The Guantlet
Go to your nearest liquor store and find something that has a 40oz. Get everything else of all shapes and sizes of that alcohol. Malt liquor has the best variety. For example get a Colt 45 40oz, 32oz, 24oz, 22oz(can), 22oz(bottle) 16oz(can), 12oz(can) 12oz(bottle). It is equal to drinking over 4-40oz. Start with any of them and drink them all and the first one done wins.
3 Man
This version of 3 Man is a different, more fun variation of the previously posted 3 Man.
This version of 3 Man Involves:
2 Dice, as many players, the more the better.
3 Man Goal:
get horrible wasted.
3 Man Rules:
1. Each player rolls the dice until a 3 is rolled on one or more of the dice (not including a sum of 3 ie: 1+2). The first player to roll a 3 becomes the 3 man. No rules apply until there is an initial 3 Man.
2. Every time a 3 is rolled by a player other than the 3 man, the 3 Man must drink.
3. If the 3 Man rolls a 3, he or she is no longer 3 Man. The next player to roll a 3 is the 3 Man. All other rules are still in effect.
4. If at any time a player rolls double 3’s, he or she is automatically the new 3 Man.
5. Any player to roll doubles other than 3’s passes the dice either to one or two players, who then roll(s) the dice. If the dice rolled are doubles, the passer drinks and then passes the dice on to the next player. If they are not doubles, both players drink.
6. If a 7 is rolled, the person to the left of the roller drinks. if an 11 is rolled, the person to the right of the roller drinks.
7. If a 10 is rolled (doubles or not) every player drinks (it’s a social!)
8. If at anytime, a player makes another player drink (not including him or herself), he rolls again. If a player is able to roll 3 times in a row, he or she gets to make a rule.
9. If the dice are rolled off of the table/playing area twice consecutively by one player, that player must finish the rest of his or her beer. If that beer is almost gone, get a new one and finish that.
Kings Cup
You Need: A deck of cards and lots of alcohol
The more people the more fun!
Set-Up: Place an Empty cup in the center of the group of people (or between you and the other person if you are a loser and have only one friend). Scatter the deck of cards around the cup. Only one deck of cards is needed, game could be interesting with more than one deck however.
How to play this drinking game:
Each player picks a card and fallows the rule of the card, the rules of the cards is much similar to other drinking games, but the King’s role is much Diffrent.
Ace – Social, everyone drinks.
2 – Is for You, you pick someone to drink.
3 – Is for Me, you drink.
4 – Is for Whores, girls drink.
5 – Rule, make a rule everyone must follow until the next 5 is picked (ex: No Bad Words) If rule is broken, that person must drink.
6 – Is for dicks, guys drink.
7 – Multiples of 11, The person who picks this card begins to count..”1″.. the next person continues.. “2”.. and the next..”3″.. and so on.. as soon as you reach 7 (whoever it lands on) you say “F*CK YOU” insted, then the direction reverses (so the person who just said 6, now must say 8 and whoever said 5 says 9, direction reverses) and continues untill 11 is the number to be said and insted is replaced with “F*CK YOU” and the direction changes. Whoever F*cks up.. DRINKS!
8 – Don’t be late, a.k.a thumbs on table or points to the sky.. Whoever is late and does it last must drink.
9 – Bust a Rhyme, first person says a short sentence with a word, the next person must say a diffrent sentice ending with a word that rhymes.
10- Waterfalls or Noes-goes, the person who picks this card has a choice of Playing Waterfalls (where that person begins to drink, the next person starts after s/he, and the next after the follower, and so on, the trick is you cant stop drinking till the person before you stops and s/he cant stop till the person before him/her stops) or Noes-goes (where the card chooser can place their finger on their nose and whoever does it last drinks, this power is good untill the next 10 is drawn).
Jack – Go Back, the person before you drinks.
Queen – Questions (my personal least favorite), Chooser turns to the next person and asks a question (ex: Have you ever licked a donkey’s butt hole?) then that person must turn to the next person and ask a relevant question (ex: Wouldn’t a Donkeys butt hole taste like candy?) the person who fumbles drinks.
King!! – This is the kicker.. Whenever a king is drawn, that person must poor however much they whish into the empty cup on the table.. The last person who draws a king MUST DOWN THE KINGS CUP! You could see what chaos would occure with more than one deck, seven diffrent types of booz!
Enjoy this great drinking game!