This is best played with four or more players, one deck of cards is required. Don’t let anyone tell you the point is to get rid of all your cards. Deal 4 cards to each player. The players then turn their cards face up on the table in front of them. The dealer begins dealing the remaining cards face up, in four piles, one at a time in the center of the table. As the dealer goes up the river players take drinks, and as he goes down the river players give drinks. The first card dealt (up the river) is a 4. All players with a four in front of them take one. The next is a J. All players with J’s must drink two, and so on. After the fourth ‘Up’ card is dealt, another is dealt on top of it and so begins the trip down the river. If the first down card (dealt on top of the last ‘up’ card) is a 10 all players with a 10 may give that card to another player causing him to drink four drinks. The next down card is a 5. Players with a 5 may give their 5 to another player and that player will drink three. You don’t have to give cards, but must drink instead. Someone must pay. If a player has more than one card of a number he must drink for all of them. So if you were going up the river, and say 7’s take 3 and you have two 7’s, that’s six drinks for you. Similarly, if the situation is the same as above, except you are going /down/ the river you may give one player six, or two players three each, giving them the cards with the drinks.
Category Archives: Drinking Card Games
This game is best with at least 4 players, you’ll need a deck of cards. The dealer begins by dealing 5 rows of cards face down on the table. The first row gets one card, the second two, the third three and so on through the fifth row. The dealer then deals 5 cards to each player. Each row has a drink value. Row one (5 cards) is one drink, row two (4 cards) is two, row three (3 cards) is three, row four (two cards) is four, row five (1 card) is five drinks. Once all the cards are dealt the dealer then flips over the card in row one. The first player (to the dealer’s left) starts by passing or challenging another player. Pass is self explanatory. On his turn a player may challenge another player by telling him or her to drink based on the supposition that the challenging player has a card matching the card in play. The player may challenge more than one player if he has more than one card. The challenged player must then drink the drink value for the row. If the challenged player thinks he is being bluffed he may call ‘Bullshit’ and the challenging player must reveal the card if he has it, thereby doubling the number of drinks the challenged player must drink. If the challenging player does not have the card he must drink double the number of drinks for that row. **For an extra challenge invert the drink value for the rows so that you only have one card in the one drink row and five cards in the five drink row
Good for 3 or more. Remove the 9-A from a deck of cards and deal them out in a circle in the middle of the table. Player to the dealer’s left by turning over any card. Play continues as follows; A- Drink one drink for every face up ace, 1 for the first and so on K- Give five drinks. All to one player, or split them up. Q- Topic. The player that turns over the card names a topic and other players around the table must name an original item in the same topic. This continues until there is a repeat or someone can’t think of one in 10 seconds or so. If the topic is brands of beer, and someone names Miller, that includes Miller Lite, MGD etc. J- Take 3 10- Rule. Make a rule 9 – Rhyme. Similar to Topic. The player that turned the card over decides on a word and players in turn say a word that rhymes.
High Card
Two people Take a deck of cards. Flip top card over one at a time. Dealer flips, other calls high or low. If other calls low and card is 8 or higher or he calls high and card is 7 or lower, he drinks. Else, dealer drinks.
High, Low, And Everything Else
Needed: One deck of cards. A lot of beer. Any number of players. No imagination whatsoever. How to: Flip one card face up to each player. Ace is low, King is high. Or make twos low and Aces high. Either way, the object here is to get drunk, so if you’re a stickler for the rules, go play one of those “movie” drinking games. Here is how people drink: Lowest card drinks. Highest card distributes a drink to anybody but the lowest card. Ace (or any other wild card) distributes 6 drinks, as many as he/she wants to any person. Or reverse it. Or change the rules totally around. All that matters is that no brain power is required. You’re dealt a card, you either drink, give a drink, or “luck out” (depending on how crappy a drinker you are) and don’t drink at all. Some fun additional rules: Make each card number equivalent to the number of points you have to get/give. Players shoot the points out to each other, and at the end of all the hoo-ha, the points are totalled and everybody drinks their amount. One point = one drink. In this case, one “drink” can be a sissy mary *sip* where you tilt your head back and raise the glass to your lips. Play with models and change all drinking references to “kissing on concealed body parts”.
This is the “granddaddy” of all the drinking games. All you really need is a deck of cards, an empty stomach and at least four people. There are a few ways to start the game: Either deal out one card to each player, and have the player with the lowest card become Asshole and highest become president, or a full first hand is dealt to determine everyone’s rank. The ranking system which is as follows: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Asshole (of course, additional positions are added if there are more players). Whoever goes out first becomes the new President for the next game, the second person becomes the Vice-President, etc… For the following rounds, anyone who ranks higher then you can tell you to drink whenever they want to. To begin, the person to the left of the dealer (the Asshole must always deal and clear the cards) always lays the first card, and the object of the game is to get rid of all your cards first. When starting you can lay down any card or cards with the same face value. The person following you must lay down a card of equal or greater value, and they must also use the same amount of cards as you did. If you lay down a pair of 9’s then they would have to lay down a pair equal or greater. If the player lays down the same card as the previous player then the next player is skipped and must drink. Also if you can’t play any of your cards than you must skip and drink. Cards are cleared if everyone skips bringing the hand back to the person who last played a card or a two is played because two’s automatically clear the table. The person who played the last card leads off. Play continues like this until all the cards have been played. The order for each round is determined by the order that each persons gets rid of their cards. Asshole must give the two best cards in their hand to the President. The President gives the two worst cards in their hand to the Asshole. If the President remains President for three consecutive rounds they can create special rules, such as the word “drink” cannot be used. If these rules are broken then the offender must drink.