You Need: A deck of cards and lots of alcohol
The more people the more fun!
Set-Up: Place an Empty cup in the center of the group of people (or between you and the other person if you are a loser and have only one friend). Scatter the deck of cards around the cup. Only one deck of cards is needed, game could be interesting with more than one deck however.
How to play this drinking game:
Each player picks a card and fallows the rule of the card, the rules of the cards is much similar to other drinking games, but the King’s role is much Diffrent.
Ace – Social, everyone drinks.
2 – Is for You, you pick someone to drink.
3 – Is for Me, you drink.
4 – Is for Whores, girls drink.
5 – Rule, make a rule everyone must follow until the next 5 is picked (ex: No Bad Words) If rule is broken, that person must drink.
6 – Is for dicks, guys drink.
7 – Multiples of 11, The person who picks this card begins to count..”1″.. the next person continues.. “2”.. and the next..”3″.. and so on.. as soon as you reach 7 (whoever it lands on) you say “F*CK YOU” insted, then the direction reverses (so the person who just said 6, now must say 8 and whoever said 5 says 9, direction reverses) and continues untill 11 is the number to be said and insted is replaced with “F*CK YOU” and the direction changes. Whoever F*cks up.. DRINKS!
8 – Don’t be late, a.k.a thumbs on table or points to the sky.. Whoever is late and does it last must drink.
9 – Bust a Rhyme, first person says a short sentence with a word, the next person must say a diffrent sentice ending with a word that rhymes.
10- Waterfalls or Noes-goes, the person who picks this card has a choice of Playing Waterfalls (where that person begins to drink, the next person starts after s/he, and the next after the follower, and so on, the trick is you cant stop drinking till the person before you stops and s/he cant stop till the person before him/her stops) or Noes-goes (where the card chooser can place their finger on their nose and whoever does it last drinks, this power is good untill the next 10 is drawn).
Jack – Go Back, the person before you drinks.
Queen – Questions (my personal least favorite), Chooser turns to the next person and asks a question (ex: Have you ever licked a donkey’s butt hole?) then that person must turn to the next person and ask a relevant question (ex: Wouldn’t a Donkeys butt hole taste like candy?) the person who fumbles drinks.
King!! – This is the kicker.. Whenever a king is drawn, that person must poor however much they whish into the empty cup on the table.. The last person who draws a king MUST DOWN THE KINGS CUP! You could see what chaos would occure with more than one deck, seven diffrent types of booz!
Enjoy this great drinking game!