This is for 2+ players. All you need is a bottle of liquor (preferrably vodka, to keep it “cultured”), a shot glass for every player, and a nice tall glass of chaser. Now, go shot for shot, not touching the chaser, one after the other. Whoever has to take the chaser first, has to finish the bottle. thats it. Welcome to the Russian Tavern, Comrade
Category Archives: Drinking Games
What the fuck
Seat all players Indian style and similar to Shit, each player comes up with a name for themself, such as dumb fuck or dry fuck and so on. Then clapping rhythm is began by the starter, with a four-beat pattern, such as a leg slap, clap, “anti clap” (opposite motion of a clap making no noise) and lastly clap. This is repeated throughout the game. The starter begins the call by saying “What’s the name of this fuckin game, I said What, The, Fuck, here we go now, What, The, Fuck” Then call outs begin. The starter states his/her name and calls someone else’s name, who has to continue, using his/her name followed by someone else’s. This progress like, “Dumb fuck, dumb fuck, callin out Dry fuck” and then Dry fuck follows right after, “Dry fuck, Dry fuck, callin out Drunk fuck” and so forth. When someone messes up, they have to take a swig.
Fuck You 2
First you start out by making a pyramid of cards. there are four on the first row then 3 placed above the first row then two then one. the dealer then passed out the rest of the cards to whoever is playing. The dealer then flips over the first card in the row of four. then the dealer says social fuck going once social fuck going twice. Anybody with the same number card can throw thier card down and say “fuck you” pointing at somebody in the game. the the dealer starts over saying fuck the persons name going once and so on. if someone else has the same number then they can throw it down and fuck the same person or someone else. if the dealer say fuck whoever for a third time the that person has to drink. if nobody throws a card down then it is called a social fuck and everybody drinks the alloted time. the drinking times go like this the first row (the four cards) is 2 times the amount of cards put down. so up to 8 seconds. the second row is 4 times the amount of cards. the most would be 16. the third row is 6 times the number of cards. (24 seconds if all four cards are put down) the last row and final card is 8 times the amount of cards played. 32 second is a full beer. this game is fun as hell and will get you fucked
Dazed and Confused
Watch the movie Dazed and Confused and every time OBANION says the word F*CK take a drink of beer and every time MITCH touches his NOSE take a shot of your choice but be prepared have alot of shot glasses full because at the emporium mitch touches his nose alot in a really short period of time Have fun and Be safe
You start off with any number of players,a table and a pair of dice. In the center of the table place a cup and fill it half way with beer. The first player rolls the dice, if he gets a 7 or 11 he picks one person who has to chug the beer, you than attempt to roll a 7 or 11 before the chugger finishes the beer. If you succeed and roll a 7/11, you refill the glass and the chugger gets to chug again. If the cugger finishes, the dice get passed to the player to the left and the game continues. (you will make enemies real quick)
*you start off with a deck of cards.(take out the jokes)* doesnt really matter how many players the more the longer it takes but its still really fun. ok you spread all the cards out on a table face down. then the frist person picks a card. If he/she gets a 2-5 they have to drink that many times, if they get a 6-10 they can pick someone to drink and or slipt it up between two ppl, if they get a jack that is a “rule” where you make up any rule you want ex:no pointing – if you get cought pointing you have to take 4 drinks, if you get a Queen that is “rhyme time” where the person who picks the card has to say a word( frist one that comes to mind) and the other players have to come up with a word that rymes with it if you cant come up with a word you have to drink, if you get a King this is a “catgory” you have to pick a topic like cars( ppl have to come up with a type of car) if you cant come up with one you have to drink, and then if you get an Ace thats a “race” and you can pick two ppl to race or you can race someone..and you play tell the deck is gone…the more decks you play with the longer it takes but the more fucked up you get!!! *have fun* :drink responsibly:
BeerShot…You found it…The Coolest Drinking Excuse Yet…BeerShot! A handheld electronic beer drinking game taking the “Art of Drinking” to a whole new level! This stomach busting party game offers 11 exciting drinking games, and allows players to create unlimited variations of these games. Featuring an LCD display, 4 buttons, and over 25 outrageous sound and lighting effects, BeerShot is the life of the party. BeerShot is even an Alarm Clock that looks like a BEER!
Su Hua’s Circle of Death
Su Hua’s Circle Death. Basically just the basic Circle of Death game with rules printed on each card and a ‘Drunken Master’ is involved. I created the deck digitally to download here:
Kings (the palm springs way)
Take all the aces out of the deck of cards spred the cards out and draw if you get a: 2=you pick someone to drink (2’s for you) 3=you drink (3’s for me) 4= for girls (4’s for whores) 5= slap your hand on the table and then the last one has to drink 6=all guys have to drink(6’s for dicks) 7= you point up to the sky and the last one has to drink (7 point to heven) 8= challenge someone to drink when you start drinking and stop when you do (8 pick a mate) 9=you have to say something and everyone has to rhyme to it, and then the person who can’t ahs to drink (9 busta rhyme) 10= you have to say something that youve never done, and then if you havent you have to toast to it Jack= you have to pick a catagorie and the person who cant answer has to drink Queen= you have to start drinking and then after you stop the person next to you does and it goes in a chain effect, until its done King= everyone has to pour their beer for 2 sec’s in the the center cup, and then when you’ve got the 4th king that person has to drink the whole cup
I’ve Never Game
It’s very similar to the version on your website, but this is a board game version… take a look at my website Thanks!!