This is a very simple game that will get you very drunk. Just watch Southpark the movie and take a shot every time you hear the word ‘f*ck’….Enjoy!
Category Archives: Drinking Games
Circle Of Death (NC Version)
OK u need a lot of beer, a deck of cards, and some peeps(males and females prefered). Ok you get in a circle and fan the cards out face down on the table in a cirle type patern. Each person draws a card in turn and this is the meaning….
2- You- You pick someone else to drink
3- Me- You drink
4- Whores- all the chicks drink
5- Thumbs- everyone puts thumbs on the table and last one drinks
6- Dicks- all guys drink 7- Heaven- everyone points up last one drinks
8- Pick a Mate- you and someone u pick drinks
9- Bust-a-Rhyme- you say a word and the next person has to say something that rhymes until someone cant think of something to say and they drink(ex: cow…pow…now…cant think drink) 10- Waterfalls: person who drew starts to drink and the next person drinks and it goes all the way around and u cant stop drinking till the person before u basically u drink until the person before u stops(will f*ck u up if u with so heavy drinkers
J- One back- person before you drinks
Q- Questions- u can only talk in questions and first perosn not to use a question drinks
K- Never have I….say never have I dont something and if someone has they drink(good way to figure out secrets about ur friends)
A- Make a Rule- You make a rule and if someone breaks it they drink(best one dont say the word drink) Have Fun
Fuck You!
This game doesn’t have a requirement for people. You can play with 2 people or 12 people it doesnt’ matter. You need one or more decks of cards then you put all the cards in the middle like go fish. Then you pick a person to go first and they pick up a card. Then they do what that card means(they are as follows:) A- FUCK YOU ( means that when you get the ace you say fuck you and the last person to say fuck you has to drink) K-rule card ( you make up a rule ex: the 3 D’s(drink drank and drunk) if anyone says any of these words then they have to drink) Q-Female’s drink( only the women take a drink) J-Male’s drink (only the men take a drink) 10- bathroom card ( you keep this card until you have to go to the bathroom, it can only be used once then it is to be put back into the pile. You can only go to the bathroom if you have this card.) 9- thumb card ( When a person picks up this card they put their thumb down it can be on their forhead or the ground but the last person to see this person do it has to take a drink or shot.) 8-you give out eight shots 7-you give out seven shots 6- you give out six shots 5- story time ( the person that picks up this card says a word then the next person repets this work and add’s only one more word and you go around your circle doing so until someone fucks up. The person to fuck up has to take a drink. Ex: Player one “Once” Player 2 ” Once a” Player 3″ once a pon” player 4 ” once a pon a” player 5″Once a pon a time”) 4-you take four drinks or shots 3-you take three drinks or shots 2-You take two drinks or shots
To my knowledge this game was invented in the late eighties at Cal U of PA at the Phi Kap house. I played professionally for several semesters. To play you need a table and a plastic beer cup, the kind from the sleeve. You can have as many people as you like play, so long as the teams are even and the table is big enough. I always like two on two the best. The rules are simple, you drop the cup onto the table and have it land standing either way. Before you drop the cup height must be above your eye level. If the cup lands standing upside down it is one point, if it lands normal or right side up (like you would normally use it) that is worth three points. The cup must stay on the table, if it falls off that is “sloppy cups” and requires the bouncing team to drink. If you don’t score the bouncing tema drinks. A one point score requires a drink fromt he other team. A three pointer requires the other team to chug,finishing whatever is left in their cup. You may notuse your hands to keep the cup on the table at any time, doing so is a foul and requires the offending team to drink. You may use your “booty” to keep the cup on the table. If you bend or crush the cup when using your booty, that a is a foul and requires the offending team to drink. Amateur games are to 11. Professional games are to 21. A whitewash is effective if you go 7-0 in amateur play or 11-0 in professional. Tie games are decided deuce style, you must win by two.
Kage Hockey
The game is fast-paced and really gets you drunk. All you need are 2 or more players, preferably 4 or more for a great game, a table, a quarter and lots of beer bottles. To figure out who spins first, I recommend spinning the quarter and whichever way the nose or beak points is who spins first. The person who wins the toss starts the face off. Everyone must have a full open bottle of beer in front of them on the table facing each other to start the game. The face off is started by someone spinning the quarter. That person then calls out a name, and the person whose name was called becomes the shooter. The shooter then tries to flick the quarter and hit the bottle of ANY player (even himself if he loves to get drunk). The other players become goalies at this time and defend the bottle by constantly moving their hand up and down the bottle with only pinky and pointer finger pointed outward. Just think of it as doing the “Hook ’em Horns” and turning it sideways running it up and down the bottle as fast as you can. The shooter then flicks the spinning quarter at the bottle. In the event that the bottle is hit, the goalie has to drink. The catch is, the shooter gets to spin the quater again and make him drink as long as he can keep the quarter spinning. If the goalie happens to block the shot, then the shooter does a face off and calls out the name. Often, when a full bottle is hit hard with the quarter, it will fizz up and over the bottle. This is called a volcano. If this happens, the goalie is responsible for catching all that fizz without it hitting the table and without using his hands to pick up the bottle. If he fails, then he must drink his whole beer. As the game continues, alliances will form and break constantly, and you will be better at aiming shots toward different parts of the bottle.
Waterfalls or Four Kings (asia’ version)
Waterfalls (Four Kings) The more people there are, the funner it is. You start out [everyone has their own beer]with a beer (or shot, or whatever) in the middle. you place a deck of cards, minus the jokers, around the middle drink. This is how that categories go: Ace-Waterfall; the person who drew it starts drinking and everyone follows. once the first drinker is done, it goes down the line. the next person can choose how long they want to drink for, and the person after that can’t stop drinking until the person ahead is done etc. etc. Two-Two is for you…you must pick a person to take two drinks Three-Three is for me…you must take three drinks Four-Four is for whores…all ladies drink Five-The person who drew the five splits the drinks any way s/he wants. Ex. one person takes a drink, another takes four… Six-Six is for dicks…all men drink Seven-The person to the left of the drawer has to drink Eight-The person to the right of the drawer has to drink Nine-Nine, nine bust a rhyme…The dealer starts out saying not just one word, but a whole sentence. Ex. first person-The man was putting on his shoe…next person-when he fell over next to you…next-he also fell into some glue…etc. The rhymes keep going until a person messes up; that person takes a drink. Ten-Categories. The person who drew a Ten says (for example)”energy drinks” and then names one (Sobe-Adreneline). The next person says another until the chain is broken. The breaker gets to drink. Jack-The person who draws a Jack gets to make a rule. The most fun include: Thumbrule (where the drawer can place his/her thumb on the edge of the table (or whatever) and the last person to notice, and have theirs on the table too, has to drink. Another rule is no swearing; where each time if someone swears and is caught, they have to take a drink. Even though a Jack may be drawn again, all rules remain; four rules can be going at once, but no one can do the same rule twice. Queen-Queen is for a bathroom break. it can be played or saved. King-This is where it gets interesting. Each king is placed off to the side, and when the forth king is drawn, the person who drew it has to drink the beverage in the middle. The game can be over, or shuffle the kings back in.
Alright this game is really simple and it will get you pretty damn trashed –> a lot of fun! you need: a sheet of paper, pen, 2 people and 3 shot glasses. game board: on the paper, draw up a tic-tac-toe board, cept 4 by 4 – instead of 3 by 3. fill up your shot glass and your ready to play. Use the empty shot glass to indicate a pattern of 4 different squares on the game board. the person sitting a cross from you then has to take a shot and immitate the pattern you made. If he/she get it right, it’s their turn to create a pattern for you. However, if they mess up, they have to take another shot before taking their turn. and of course, drink responsibly kids!
First you need a deck of cards, beer, and at least 2 players(better with a lot of people)..Then you put a beer in the middle of the table and the dealer asks “black or red”. If you choose the right color, you take the number on the card and divide it up between the people playing, and they drink the number you give them.(you can also give all the drinks to one person). Then you must put the card on top of the beer in the middle with at least two corners off the edge. But if you choose the wrong color, you have to drink the number on the card. Then you have to put the card on the beer in the middle with at least two corners off the edge. If someone knocks over the cards on top of the beer can, they have to shotgun the beer. Then you start all over again with a fresh beer and keep on goin!(Garunteed to get you totally fucked up!)
Power Hour VX – Version 5.0
Power Hour VX is the Ultimate Drinking Game. It combines Power Hour, Century Club, and unlimited minute games into an interactive and entertaining game play. Simply PICK YOUR POISON: Power Hour: 60 SHOTS in 60 Minutes Century Club: 100 SHOTS in 100 Minutes NO limit: Choose your length and GO! About the Game: Each minute a loud burp will sound that signifies that its time to take SHOT of beer. The burp will be followed by a random frame (beer quote, general alcohol quote, famous movie quotes, TV show quotes, funny pictures, blonde and yo’ momma jokes, and the all NEW the “BEER MAN” says… Watch out for the BEER MAN, he will appear randomly and give you an ultimatum of doing something funny or taking another shot of beer! Enjoy! -The Beer Man
Get Fucked up
Get a deak of cards. Spread the cards facedown in the middle of the table. Then whoever wants to start the game draws a card and does whatever the card means. Just keep going around the table until you’re out of cards or alcohol. HAVE FUN! Card Meanings: 2 is for you. The drawer of the card has to take a drink. 3 is beer bitch. The person holding this card has to get everyones beer whenever they need it until the next 3 is drawn. 4 is for whores. All the females have to drink. 5 is slap the table or thumbmaster. The holder of this card can slap the table at any time. The last person to slap the table has to drink. For thumbmaster the card holder places their thumb on the edge of the table and the last person to place their thumb on the table must drink. The card holder can slap the table/thumbmaster as much or little as they like until someone else draws a 5 and then they can no longer do it. 6 is for dicks. All the males have to drink. 7 is to your left. Whoever is sitting to the cardholder’s left must drink. 8 is hate and great. The card holder has to choose someone they hate and someone that think is great and those two people have to drink. 9 is to your right. Whoever is sitting to the cardholder’s right must drink. 10 is a social. Everyone has to drink. Don’t forget to toast! Jack is waterfall. Everyone starts drinking at the same time and must keep drinking until the person to their right has stopped drinking. The cardholder is the first to stop drinking and it continues until everyone has stopped. Queen is questions. The cardholder starts off by asking someone else a question. That person must ask another person a question in response to the previous question. The game ends when someone doesn’t answer the question with another question. A question cannot be repeated or taken too long to ask or that person must drink. Kings are catagories. Choose a catagory(i.e. Types of Beer). Then take turns, starting with the cardholder, and name things from the catagory (i.e. Budweiser, Corona, Miller Light). If a person takes too long in answering or can’t come up with something then they have to drink. Ace is a rule. The holder of this card can make up any rule they want (i.e. No one can use any word that starts with an s or they drink). However, the cardholder is immune to his/her rule. The Cardholder also has to catch the person(s) breaking the rule in order for the rule breaker to have to drink. Each rule is kept throughout the whole game….so pay attention.