*you start off with a deck of cards.(take out the jokes)* doesnt really matter how many players the more the longer it takes but its still really fun. ok you spread all the cards out on a table face down. then the frist person picks a card. If he/she gets a 2-5 they have to drink that many times, if they get a 6-10 they can pick someone to drink and or slipt it up between two ppl, if they get a jack that is a “rule” where you make up any rule you want ex:no pointing – if you get cought pointing you have to take 4 drinks, if you get a Queen that is “rhyme time” where the person who picks the card has to say a word( frist one that comes to mind) and the other players have to come up with a word that rymes with it if you cant come up with a word you have to drink, if you get a King this is a “catgory” you have to pick a topic like cars( ppl have to come up with a type of car) if you cant come up with one you have to drink, and then if you get an Ace thats a “race” and you can pick two ppl to race or you can race someone..and you play tell the deck is gone…the more decks you play with the longer it takes but the more fucked up you get!!! *have fun* :drink responsibly:
Category Archives: Drinking Card Games
Su Hua’s Circle of Death
Su Hua’s Circle Death. Basically just the basic Circle of Death game with rules printed on each card and a ‘Drunken Master’ is involved. I created the deck digitally to download here: http://diablosunderground.tripod.com/cards/DrunkenMaster.zip
Kings (the palm springs way)
Take all the aces out of the deck of cards spred the cards out and draw if you get a: 2=you pick someone to drink (2’s for you) 3=you drink (3’s for me) 4= for girls (4’s for whores) 5= slap your hand on the table and then the last one has to drink 6=all guys have to drink(6’s for dicks) 7= you point up to the sky and the last one has to drink (7 point to heven) 8= challenge someone to drink when you start drinking and stop when you do (8 pick a mate) 9=you have to say something and everyone has to rhyme to it, and then the person who can’t ahs to drink (9 busta rhyme) 10= you have to say something that youve never done, and then if you havent you have to toast to it Jack= you have to pick a catagorie and the person who cant answer has to drink Queen= you have to start drinking and then after you stop the person next to you does and it goes in a chain effect, until its done King= everyone has to pour their beer for 2 sec’s in the the center cup, and then when you’ve got the 4th king that person has to drink the whole cup
Drunk Driver
All you need is a deck of cards and some beers. One person is the dealer. They go around and ask each person “black or red” for which color the card is. If the person gets it right they assign another person(s) to drink for 2 seconds, but if they get it wrong the person drinks for 2 seconds. The next question is “higher or lower” than the past card, with a penalty of 4 seconds. Next is “inbetween or outside” the 2 numbers of the cards(example..you have a 4 and an 8 inside number would be a 6), with a penalty of 6 seconds. Next question is “which suit” with a penalty of 8 seconds. Then you line up two rows of 4 cards. The top row is give away, bottom is take. So if there is a 2 on the top and you have a 2, you give away a two second penalty drink. Then it goes down the line 2,4,6,8..with the last one being finish your beer. Start the night out with this game and you’ll be good!
Fuck Me Up Fuck Me Down
You need a deck of cards, a lot of beer, and a bunch of people (but the less you have the faster you get drunk). deal one card to each person around the circle until someone gets a two. that person says “two” and drinks while the dealer collects the rest of the cards. starting with the person next to the one with the two, deal a card to everyone till you find a three. the two person says “two” and drinks then the person with the three says “three” and drinks. repeat this process until you get up to ace, drinking every time you call your number (sucks for the person dealt the two). if you get dealt more than one card you have to drink for each card. when you get up to ace you go back down, looking for an ace, then a king, etc. on the way down even if you are not dealt the card you are looking for (jack, for example) but you got it on the way up, you have to drink. game can stop once you go up and down once, or you can keep playing till you use up the deck.
Beer Poker – Shot Ante
It’s really easy, and you can do it with just a few people. All you need is a deck of cards and any kind of alcohol. (Base the alcohol choice on how long you want to play before passing out). For this example, just to make it easy, we’ll say there are 4 players and we’re playing regular five card poker. Get up to the point where you would be betting. At that point, you have to bet by shots. So player #1 raises it one shot, and player #2 matches. If no one else goes in, they (players 3 and 4) have to drink one shot each. Now if player #1 or #2 raises it, they will have to drink that much if they lose. The winning hand sits out of drinking that time around and they are the dealer the next round, and they can set up a new game (7 card or whatever). Usually works well.
Around the World
You need a deck of cards minus the jokers and at least 4 people…the more the better as you get pretty wasted in this game, and you also need alot of beer or whatever else you are drinking. First start with one card face down in the middle then start dealing the rest of the cards face down in circles around it until you have several complete circles. everyone sits around the circle of cards and whoever brought the cards and dealt gets to pick the first unlucky soul. The first person turns over a card in the outer most row and must drink that many shots of whatever is your poison. 2-9 is face value 10, J, Q ,and K are worth 10 and aces are worth 15. You keep going around the circle of people and they keep drawing whatever card they want from the outer row until all of them have been turned up. Now when you get to the second row all values are doubled and you must drink twice the face value of what is shown. Third row is triple the value until you get to the center which is worth 4 or 5 times depending on how many rings you got. Just hope its not an ace that can really make someone wake up a few days later.
Circle of Death
Works best with at least 4 people…but if you are seriously bent on getting hammered, any number will do. You will meed a deck of cards and serious amounts of brew and a watch with a second hand or a timer. Take a deck of cards and put it on a table in the center of your circle of people. The first person draws a card and lays it face up next to the pile. The next person pulls a card and lays it on top of that card. If they are of the same suit, the players drink for the number of seconds shown on their cards. (face cards can be 10’s or J=11, Q=12, K=13). Example, player 1 draws the 9 of clubs, player two draws the 9 of diamonds. Both players drink for 9 seconds. Now when the third player draws, if he gets a 9, all three drink, if he gets a diamond just he and player two drink for the number on their cards, if he gets the 8 of hearts for example, play moves on. For more serious pain, use multiple decks and when players get exact matching cards, they have to finish their entire drink in front of them immediately.
All you need is a deck of cards,one less spoon than you have players(ie:4 spoons for 5 players) and of course beer or liquor. First all players sit around a table. then put all your spoons in the middle of the table. Then the dealer passes four cards to each player and keeps the deck to his right side.The dealer then takes a card from the deck and either keeps it while discarding one in his hand or just passing it to the person on his left who inturn does the same and so forth untill the last person makes a pile next to the deck. You can only have 4 cards in your hand at a time. if you have more you lose and the dealer wins.the object is to get four alike cards (ie:4 kings,4 aces, 4 two’s) and grab a spoon.the dealer can go as fast as he wants so the game can get going fast or slow. The person who gets the 4 alike cards wins and is new or still dealer and the one with no spoon is quite a loser. The cool thing is if you grab a spoon quietly after you get 4 alike cards you can sit back and watch the game keep going untill the other losers realize they need to grab a spoon. The winner tells the loser how much to drink and the rest of the table must drink half the quantity of the loser.
Cops and Robbers
You will need a deck of cards, beer, and five or more people for this one. This game is best played later in the evening. You will need at least five players, but the more there are the better. They must all be able to sit around one table. Remove an Ace and a King from the deck, then count off enough cards so that there is one for each player. Deal the cards out to all players. Players do not reveal their cards to each other. The player who recieves the Ace is the ‘Dealer’ and the player who recieves the King is the ‘Cop”. The ‘Dealer’ must wink at someone sitting around the table, and once that has happened the person who was winked at states “The deal has been made” (its a good idea to wait a few moments after being winked at). At this time the ‘Cop’ reveals himself then begins guessing who the ‘Dealer’ is. For every wrong answer the ‘Cop’ drinks one. If the ‘Dealer’ is the last person reamaing after all others have been accused, the ‘Cop’ must finish his beer. If the ‘Cop’ observes the wink, or is winked at the ‘Dealer’ is busted and must finish their beer.